SVA: Using $changed in antecedent

Please have a look at this code.

assert property( @(posedge CLK) disable iff (!NRST)
		 $changed(OUT1) ##0 !SYNC1
		 |-> ##59 $changed(OUT2) ##0 !SYNC2
  $display("sync ok"); else $display("sync NOT ok");

Basically, I want to check if OUT2 toggles exactly 59 clocks after OUT1 toggles.
However, at the first clock, the antecedent “$changed(OUT1) ##0 !SYNC1” becomes true although OUT1 does not toggle. Therefore, the assertion fails.

Appreciate your assistance!

In reply to sonofthesand:

use a ##1 as the first delay, basically a shift in when the goal of the assertion starts 
assert property( @(posedge CLK) disable iff (!NRST)
##1 $changed(OUT1) ##0 !SYNC1
|-> ##59 $changed(OUT2) ##0 !SYNC2
$display("sync ok"); else $display("sync NOT ok");

Ben systemverilog.Us

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Thank you for the prompt reply.
I have tried this method but now it gives a message towards end of simulation. Something like that Started at XXXX but not finished

In reply to sonofthesand:

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Thank you for the prompt reply.
I have tried this method but now it gives a message towards end of simulation. Something like that Started at XXXX but not finished

This message is optionally provided by your simulation tool, but it is not a required to do so. From 1800 "

If the strong or weak operator is omitted, then the evaluation of the sequence_expr (interpreted as a property e.g., consequent) depends on the assertion statement in which it is used. If the assertion statement is assert property or assume property, then the sequence_expr is evaluated as weak(sequence_expr). Otherwise, the sequence_expr is evaluated as strong(sequence_expr).

A guideline that I provide in my SVA book "Qualify as strong properties that are sequences and have range delays or consecutive repetition operators (e.g., [*, [->, [= ) and are consequents in an assertion. This is important_when it is necessary to qualify an assertion as a failure if the consequent never terminates at the end of simulation._
In an assertion, a weak property is not required to finish.
Thus, your warning by the simulation tool is OK, but it is not a failure. If you want to see a failure at the end of simulation if the consequent did not finish, then do the following:

ap_out1_out2: assert property( @(posedge CLK) disable iff (!NRST)
##1 $changed(OUT1) ##0 !SYNC1
|-> strong(##59 $changed(OUT2) ##0 !SYNC2))
$display("sync ok"); else $display("sync NOT ok"); 

BTW, add labels to your assertions.
Ben Cohen

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Thank you for the clarification!