SVA evaluation

In reply to samirxd:

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Can you explain why “%t sampled q=%d, current q=%d, past q=%d, var w=%d” is getting printed before “%t sampled q=%d, current q=%d, past q=%d, var y=%d” although it has ##0 delay ?

NO, but I believe it is how the tool handles the printing.
I tried the model at Edit code - EDA Playground
got what you expected, the “y” print before the “w” print

# 210 sampled q=         30, current q=         30, past q=         27, var y=         30
# 210 sampled q=         30, current q=         30, past q=         27, var w=         10
# 250 sampled q=         25, current q=         25, past q=          9, var y=         25
# 250 sampled q=         25, current q=         25, past q=          9, var w=          2q

In assertion the $display will get evaluated in active region or re-active region?

  • In immediate assertions, the $display is evaluated at the point in the procedural process they appear. Thus,

module m;
bit a, b, d, clk;
always_comb begin
a_ab: assert(a==b) else $display("%t a=%b, b=%b", $realtime, a, b);
// $display is evaluated in the Active Region.

  • Concurrent assertion

property p;
bit v;
(a, v=d) |-> ##1
(v, $display("%t EVALUATED IN OBSERVED REGION a=%b, b=%b", $realtime, a, b)) ##0 b;
ap_p: assert property(@(posedge clk) p) else   $display("%t ACTION BLOCK IN RACTIVE REGION : a=%b, b=%b", $realtime, a, b);