SV Assertion/Checker for stable input before the posedge of clock

If the tool supports the $setup, then you could use that.

// $setup ( data_event , reference_event , timing_check_limit [ , [ notifier ] ] ) ;
   // $setup( data, posedge clk, 10, notifier ) ;
      // Define timing check specparam values
   	  // Specify timing check variable must be a port.
      specparam tSU = 2, tHD = 1, tPW = 25, tWPC = 10, tREC = 5;
     $setup(in1, posedge clk, tSU); 

With assertions, you could do what I have below; basically create an event 2ns prior to @(posedge clk), and check that the signal has the same value @event and @(posedge clk)

module setup1(input bit clk, in1); 
	event e; 
	parameter PERIOD=10ns; 
	/*There is a clock called clk. 
There is an input signal called in1. 
in1 has to be stable for at least 2 ns before the posedge of clk.
i.e. in1 cannot change within 2 ns before the posedge of clk. 
How do I write an assertion/checker for this? */ 
   ap_setup0: assert property(@e !in1 |-> @(posedge clk)  !in1 );
   ap_setup1: assert property(@e in1 |-> @(posedge clk) in1 );
   always @(posedge clk) begin 
   	# (PERIOD -2ns); 
   	-> e; 
endmodule : setup1   

module top;
	bit clk, in1; 
	event e; 
	parameter PERIOD=10ns;  
	setup1 setup1_ins(.*); 
   initial forever #(PERIOD/2) clk=!clk; 
   initial begin 
     repeat(200) begin 
       @(posedge clk);   
       if (!randomize(in1)) $error(); 
endmodule : top