Super.build_phase(phase ) usage issue

Dear All,
I’m trying to understand uvm_agent class, I’ve got 2 example about uvm_agent as the below.

the below is UVM-genden reference guide example.

class example_agent extends uvm_agent;
      example_sequencer #(example_transaction) m_sequencer ;
      example_driver m_driver ;
      example_monitor m_monitor ;
      uvm_analysis_port # (example_transaction) monitor_ap ;
      virtual dut_if v_dut_if;
      virtual function void build_phase (uvm_phase phase) ;
            super.build_phase(phase ) ;   //<--------------------------------------- HERE
            m_monitor = example_monitor::type_id::create("m_monitor", this);
            monitor_ap = new("monitor_ap", this) ;
            if ( get_is_active() == UVM_ACTIVE ) begin
                m_sequencer = example_sequencer::type_id::create("m_sequencer", this);
                m_driver = example_driver::type_id::create("m_driver", this);
      endfunction : build_phase
      virtual function void connect_phase (uvm_phase phase);
            m_monítor.monitor_ap.connect(monitor_ap ) ;
           if ( get_is_active() == UVM_ACTTVE ) begin
               m_drÍver.seq_item_port.connect(m_sequencer.seq_item_export) ; 
      endfunction : connect_phase
endclass :

The below is Hello UVM example. UVM Hello World - EDA Playground

package my_testbench_pkg;
  import uvm_pkg::*;
  // The UVM sequence, transaction item, and driver are in these files:
  `include "my_sequence.svh"
  `include "my_driver.svh"
  // The agent contains sequencer, driver, and monitor (not included)
  class my_agent extends uvm_agent;
    my_driver driver;
    uvm_sequencer#(my_transaction) sequencer;
    function new(string name, uvm_component parent);, parent);
    virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
      super.build_phase(phase ); //<---------------------------I add this for test.
      driver = my_driver ::type_id::create("driver", this);
      sequencer =
        uvm_sequencer#(my_transaction)::type_id::create("sequencer", this);

I’ve got the below error messages as the below, when I add “super.build_phase(phase );”
I just follow test1 example code.

ncvlog: E,NOTCLM (my_testbench_pkg.svh,20|22): build_phase is not a class item.
(`include file: my_testbench_pkg.svh line 84, file: line 9)
import my_testbench_pkg::

I can’t understand why does error happen? I can’t understand this problem.

In reply to UVM_LOVE:

What do you mean super.bui1d_phase? We dont have any method bui1d_phase, we only have build_phase.

My guess is you have confused super.build_phase with super.bui1d_phase. Also I see you have written “virtuaf” instead of “virtual” (Although that could be an issue on my end only).

I have corrected (most of) your code so you may wanna reconsider:

class example_agent extends uvm_agent;
      example_sequencer #(example_transaction) m_sequencer ;
      example_driver m_driver ;
      example_monitor m_monitor ;

      uvm_analysis_port # (example_transaction) monitor_ap ;

      virtual dut_if v_dut_if;

      virtual function void build_phase (uvm_phase phase) ;
            super.build_phase(phase ) ;
            m_monitor = example_monitor::type_id::create("m_monitor", this);
            monitor_ap = new("monitor_ap", this) ;

            if ( get_is_active() == UVM_ACTIVE ) begin
                m_sequencer = example_sequencer::type_id::create("m_sequencer", this);
                m_driver = example_driver::type_id::create("m_driver", this);

      endfunction : build_phase

      virtual function void connect_phase (uvm_phase phase);
            m_monítor.monitor_ap.connect(monitor_ap ) ;

           if ( get_is_active() == UVM_ACTTVE ) begin
               m_drÍver.seq_item_port.connect(m_sequencer.seq_item_export) ; 
      endfunction : connect_phase


By calling super.build_phase(phase) you are actually calling the build phase of the parent class from which your class has been extended (in this case, the parent class would be uvm_agent) and hence you are calling the build_phase of uvm_agent file (that is stored somewhere in a file as a part of the uvm methodology source file package)

package my_testbench_pkg;
  import uvm_pkg::*;
  // The UVM sequence, transaction item, and driver are in these files:
  `include "my_sequence.svh"
  `include "my_driver.svh"
  // The agent contains sequencer, driver, and monitor (not included)
  class my_agent extends uvm_agent;
    my_driver driver;
    uvm_sequencer#(my_transaction) sequencer;
    function new(string name, uvm_component parent);, parent);
    virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
      super.build_phase(phase ); 
      driver = my_driver ::type_id::create("driver", this);
      sequencer =
        uvm_sequencer#(my_transaction)::type_id::create("sequencer", this);


In reply to Vedant Gala:

Sorry for my typo. I just copy the pdf text but it makes some typo.
I’ve fit it.

I’m confused that the upper example code used with super keyword.

so I add super keyword at second example code but it makes some error.

Did I make some mistake?

In reply to chris_le:

Sorry for my typo, I’ve fixed it.

In reply to UVM_LOVE:

The super keyword basically refers to the parent class. (Read more on Class Hierarchy, if unaware). Somewhere in the UVM file directory there is a file uvm_agent, which has a function build_phase too; and so when you include this line in your code


You are basically calling that function inside uvm_agent class.

Why only uvm_agent? Because in your example, the class example_agent extends from uvm_agent.

Correct the typo bui1d_phase and then check for errors.

Also you must have an ‘endclass’ at the end

In reply to Vedant Gala:

In reply to UVM_LOVE:
The super keyword basically refers to the parent class. (Read more on Class Hierarchy, if unaware). Somewhere in the UVM file directory there is a file uvm_agent, which has a function build_phase too; and so when you include this line in your code


You are basically calling that function inside uvm_agent class.
Why only uvm_agent? Because in your example, the class example_agent extends from uvm_agent.
Correct the typo bui1d_phase and then check for errors.
Also you must have an ‘endclass’ at the end

Thanks for letting me know that. I agree that the super keyword basically refers to the parent class.

So If I use “super.build_phase(phase);” means that I will use the parent class’s item(in this case, it will be “uvm_agent” class, and we assume that build_phase method will be there in uvm_agent class, am I right? )

ncvlog: *E,NOTCLM (my_testbench_pkg.svh,20|22): build_phase is not a class item.

But I didn’t get it exactly what build_phase is not a class item. doesn’t it make sense?
ans also what if the build_phase is not a class item, then what is it?

In reply to UVM_LOVE:

build_phase is a class method of the class uvm_agent in your case, but it is not a data member of uvm_agent. In general it is the build_phase of one of the bas classes contained in the UVM library.

In your code example there might be something wrong, like a missing semicolon, because your error message is pointing to the wrong place.

In reply to UVM_LOVE:

You have a typo somewhere and unless you can post the exact code you are running, we can’t help you. The task build_phase is in your uvm_component base class if everything was enter correctly.

There no need to call super.build_phase() unless you are using the UVM field macros, which we recommend strongly against because of the performance penalties.

Also, please see this comment about parent/child terminology. This is especially pertinent when talking about uvm_component.

In reply to dave_59:

In reply to UVM_LOVE:
You have a typo somewhere and unless you can post the exact code you are running, we can’t help you. The task build_phase is in your uvm_component base class if everything was enter correctly.
There no need to call super.build_phase() unless you are using the UVM field macros, which we recommend strongly against because of the performance penalties.
Also, please see this comment about parent/child terminology. This is especially pertinent when talking about uvm_component.

Thanks for replying that. I found a fault point as your recommends.
Would you please let me know the list what you strongly recommends like thjs case?

In reply to UVM_LOVE:

In reply to dave_59:

In reply to UVM_LOVE:
You have a typo somewhere and unless you can post the exact code you are running, we can’t help you. The task build_phase is in your uvm_component base class if everything was enter correctly.
There no need to call super.build_phase() unless you are using the UVM field macros, which we recommend strongly against because of the performance penalties.
Also, please see this comment about parent/child terminology. This is especially pertinent when talking about uvm_component.

Hi Dave,

Could you please elaborate on why the super.build_phase() is not needed?



In reply to rgarcia07:

Hi Dave,
Could you please elaborate on why the super.build_phase() is not needed?

Because is does nothing for you other than waste CPU time. If you used the UVM field macros, then you must call and you will waste a lot of CPU time.