Spi clock assertion

Hi ben,I want to write a assertion for the spi so when slave select signal(active low) is asserted then after the sclk starts, here i want to write assertion for sclk.
so i have tried it but i am getting of failure please help:

property sclk_freq;
  realtime current_time;
  @(posedge sclk)
     (1,current_time = $realtime) ##1 (time_period == ($realtime - current_time));
endproperty : sclk_freq
sclk_check:assert property(sclk_freq)
  `uvm_error("SPI_UVC_ASSRTIONS","CLOCK FAILED!!\n");

waveform:- Your text to link here…

Thank you

In reply to m_v:

I am not familiar with your system and your requirements for an assertion are incomplete.
The assertion that you wrote has nothing to do with whatever you are attempting to do.

In reply to ben@SystemVerilog.us:

Hi ben,
i have a main clock “bclk” and from that clock the a new clock is generated it is “sclk” and i wanted to write a assertion on the “sclk” and i am getting some unwanted error. can you help.

so when slave select(ss_n) is asserted(active low) as with respect to the “bclk” and the mosi and miso works on “sclk” , the “sclk” is generated in between of assertion of slave select(ss_n) and de-assertion of slave select(ss_n), also you can check from the waveform also.

link :- waveform…
Thank you.

Hi,ben one another question i want to write assertion on mosi line that mosi line must be stable between 2 posedges of the sclk how it can be done please check the Waveform….

Thank you.