Sparse Memory creation in systemverilog


I’m trying to create sparse memory for DDR3 simulation and depth could be vary from 128Mb to 64Gb.
In my simulation model Memory depth will vary as per MEM_SIZE = 128Mb to 64Gb, I want fill only some specific locations in memory like 2^10,2^17,2^4…etc.
But I’m not able to configure memory depth at simulation starting time,
Could anyone suggest me that how to create Sparse Memory.

I’m creating Sparse memory with associative array.

logic [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] mem[*];

	 mem[addr] = data_in;
    	 $display("\tNumber of entries of Memory%0d",mem.num());
    	 $display("\tSize of Memory%0d",mem.size());
else   data_out  <= mem[addr];

In reply to

Never use the wildcard index type for an associative array.
Declare an address width and use that as the index type.

parameter MEM_SIZE = 2**27; // 128MB
parameter DATA_WIDTH = 64;
parameter ADDRESS_WIDTH = $clog2(MEM_SIZE*8) - DATA_WIDTH/8;

typedef logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_t;
typedef logic [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] addr_t;

data_t mem[addr_t];

Hi Dave,

Isn’t the following incorrect?

parameter ADDRESS_WIDTH = $clog2(MEM_SIZE*8) - DATA_WIDTH/8;

It should be

parameter ADDRESS_WIDTH = $clog2(MEM_SIZE*8) - $clog2(DATA_WIDTH);