Simulation for VHDL Design file with verification in UVM Test bench Components

Hi Team,

I am trying to simulate VHDL design file with UVM Verification components Environment in Questasim I created package file and included all the verification components. I am facing compilation error as shown below

** Error: (vlog-13069) ** while parsing file included at C:/Users/40034945/Downloads/UVM_files/
** at near “module”: syntax error, unexpected module, expecting class.
The error is showing in the (Tb_ top) file.

Design file requires unisim library I had compiled 3rd party simulators in Vivado 2023.1 version and I gave destination location in the Questasim installation path.

You have a syntax error and have not shown any code. Note that the error could be in the code that comes before the error.

Hi Dave,

Here I am attaching the package (arinc_pkg )and (tb_top) files.

package file:

package arinc_pkg;
// Imports 
`include "uvm_macros.svh"
import uvm_pkg::*;
// UVC includes
//`include "advb_framer_top.vhd"

`include ""
`include ""
`include ""
`include ""
`include ""
`include ""
`include ""
`include ""
`include ""
`include ""
`include ""	

Tb_advb_framer_top_uvm file:

// The top module that contains the DUT and interface.
// This module starts the test.
  /*import my_testbench_pkg_uvm::*;
 `include "uvm_macros.svh"
import uvm_pkg::*; */

module tb_advb_framer_top;

  //signal delcarations
	localparam PIXEL_CLK_T = 144;
	localparam ADVB_CLK_T = 140;

	logic pixel_clk,advb_clk;
  // Instantiate the interface
   advb_interface intf(	.i_pixel_clk(pixel_clk),
  advb_framer_top DUT(
  // pixel_clk Clock generator
  initial begin
    pixel_clk = 0;
    forever #PIXEL_CLK_T pixel_clk = ~pixel_clk;
  // advb_clk Clock generator
  initial begin
    advb_clk = 0;
    forever #ADVB_CLK_T advb_clk = ~advb_clk;
  //Interface Setting
	initial begin
		uvm_config_db #(virtual advb_framer_top) ::set(null, "*","vif", intf);
  //Start test
  initial begin

 //-------To run the simulation for a particular duration----------
 //Here we are running the simulation only for 998 ms because one full video image --
 //(i.e., 30 containers) will be completed by that time.				          --
  initial begin
    $display("End of simulation!");

A module cannot be defined inside a package; directly or `included.