Seek suggestions for following SV constraints

Hi All ,
I was seeking suggestions for following requirements

  1. Size of array to 10 , each element would be within value 1,3 or 5. Elements should be in ascending order
rand bit[3:0] arr[];    
constraint SIZE { arr.size() == 10; }
constraint element_value  {      
          foreach( arr[i] ) { arr[i] inside { 1 , 3 , 5 } ;  }                        
function void post_randomize();        

However one limitation is that there is no constraint to ensure that there is at least one occurrence of each of 1,3 and 5.
Eg: One possible output is '{'h3, 'h3, 'h5, 'h5, 'h5, 'h5, 'h5, 'h5, 'h5, 'h5}

I then tried using sum() constraint

//  Instead of constraint 'element_value' 
constraint element_value_using_sum  {      
        arr.sum() with ( int'(item==1) ) + arr.sum() with ( int'(item==3) )       
      + arr.sum() with ( int'(item==5) ) == arr.size() ;              

However this too has the similar limitation as above
[Q1] Is it possible to constraint the elements within values 1,3 and 5 as well as constraint at least one occurrence of each value, using a single constraint expression ?

  1. Randc behavior using rand
rand bit[3:0] a;
     bit[3:0] q[$];
constraint rand_cyclic { if( q.size() != 0 ) !( a inside { q } ); }
function void post_randomize();        
    if( q.size() == 16 ) q.delete();

Q2] If I were to remove the constraint-guard ( if( q.size() != 0 ) ) , during the 1st call to randomize, would the constraint !( a inside { q } ) have any side-effects ( since the queue is empty ) ?

You were on the right track with the sum() constraints

class A;
  rand bit[3:0] arr[];    
  constraint c {arr.size() == 10 &&
                arr.sum() with (int'(item == 1)) >= 1 &&
                arr.sum() with (int'(item == 3)) >= 1 &&
                arr.sum() with (int'(item == 5)) >= 1 &&
                arr.sum() with (int'(!(item inside {1,3,5}))) == 0 &&
                arr.and() with (item.index>0 -> arr[item.index-1] <= arr[item.index]);

module top;
  A h = new;
  initial repeat(10) begin

Thanks Dave, for the alternative solution to achieve ascending order elements
( another solution is using simple foreach ).

[Q1] Is it possible to constraint the elements within values 1,3 and 5 as well as constraint at least one occurrence of each value, using a single constraint expression ?

Using ‘&&’ I could achieve it with a single constraint expression.

Would like to hear your thoughts on Q2.

constraint rand_cyclic { !( a inside { q } ); } // What if queue is empty ?

During the 1st call to randomize() is there any possible side-effect ? ( as the queue is empty during the 1st call to randomize() )
Does there essentially exist any constraint when the queue is empty ?

Your queue is always empty because you forgot to push anything into it.

!(a inside { q }) is true when the queue is empty. No need for a guard.