
I want a to know the mechanism by which i can kill the ongoing sequences.


class my_seq…

//seq handels

seq1 sq1;
seq2 sq2;
seq3 sq3;

uvm_do(sq1); // initialization sequence uvm_do(sq2); // polling sequence
`uvm_do(sq3); // some other configuration


SCENARIO :- DUT gives the response for the request in max 10us(lets say)

i have a sequence sq2 which runs for 10us, but the response can be generated before that. I dont want to alter the sq2 sequence as it is being used for various purposes as it is kind of wait sequence.
So there should be a mechanism in which i can terminate the sq2(as soon as i get the response) from the sequence where it is called from (my_seq). As the polling is taking a lot of time and for proper execution i am polling for the MAX time as per SPEC.


See the UVM Cookbook.

But, please consider using start() to execute your sequences instead of `uvm_do, which is evil.

It would actually be preferable, rather than killing sq2, to write its body() method so that it simply terminates itself once the response is received, using


or something like that.