Running testcases from make file

I am trying to run a regression from a makefile.My code is

TEST_CASES = my_test2 my_test_with_1_1
	$(foreach i,$(TEST_CASES),vsim -novopt -onfinish stop -c -do "do; run -all; " my_top +UVM_TESTNAME=$(i) +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW +UVM_OBJECTION_TRACE)

but when I am running “make test” I am getting an error **

only one -do option can be specified

Why is this and how to solve it??

You can’t use ‘foreach’ in this manner. Reading the GNU make manual on the ‘foreach’ command, the multiple expansions are concatenated into a single result.

In reply to cgales:

To solve it, use a for loop in whatever the default shell used by your makefile