Hi Dave,
What is the default width of one location of the associative array(depth is infinite that is known)?(Ex: if i declare the array int aarray[*])
I have one class like below
class example_trans;
logic [31:0]addr;
logic [15:0]data;
logic wr_rteady;
logic rd_ready;
logic wr_vld;
logic rd_vld;
logic [15:0]data_out;
can i declare the associative array like below as datatype is the example_trans
example_trans aarray[*]; ?
If possible then can i write the total transaction into array of particular index like below
aarray[idx_key] = t1;(t1 is the handle of example trans and idx_key is the int data type key)
If possible can i get the transaction like below
t2 = aarray[idx_key];
And for accessing the specific element of the transaction can i use the below procedure…
t2.wr_vld …so on
Thanks a lot,