I have simple interface and a RTL block. I have 2 instances of same interface and 2 instances of same RTL. I would like to connect it in this way. So basically i want to drive interface 1 which is fed to DUT1 and DUT1’s signals are fed to DUT 2 and then DUT2 is connected to Interface 2. what changes i need to make it at the top level?
Interface 1 → DUT1 → DUT2 → Interface 2
module top;
import uvm_pkg::*;
import my_testbench_pkg::*;
// Instantiate the interface
dut_if dut_if1();
dut_if dut_if2();
// Instantiate the DUT and connect it to the interface
dut dut1(.dif(dut_if1));
dut dut2(.dif(dut_if2?));
// Clock generator
// Dump waves
initial begin
$dumpvars(0, top);
initial begin
dut_if1.clock = 0;
forever #5 dut_if1.clock = ~dut_if1.clock;
initial begin
// Place the interface into the UVM configuration database
uvm_config_db#(virtual dut_if)::set(null, "*", "dut_vif1", dut_if1);
// Start the test1