Receiving 'x' while using array that is constructed of wires from the design

Hi, I’ve created an array of wires from the design. while running an operation on said array some signals when printed produce ‘x’ instead of ‘0’ or ‘1’.
here is some of the code as reference to my issue:

int error_detected;
logic signals[26];
logic expected_signals_init[26];
logic expected_signals_final[26];
logic expected_signals[26];
logic don't_care_array[26];

signals = {wire1, wire2...., wire26} //where the wires are connected to the design as follows: wire1 = `DESIGN_PATH.wire1;

for(int i = 0; i < signals.size(); i++) begin
automatic int j=i;
     begin: function_flow
       $display("inside the function_flow thread %0d", j);
       $display("signals value in index i, %0d", signals[j]);
       if (!dont_care_array[j]) begin
         //do logic here - includes disabling the timeout thread
     begin: timeout_signals_array
     `uvm_error((m_name, $sformatf("Timeout occured in signals array, index %0d", j))

so a few things:
what happens is some signals when printed don’t produce a valid value (such as mentioned ‘x’)
there is a second fork inside (where do logic is stated) which is not happening and I don’t understand why because I am destroying the timeout when we enter the logic part.
so my questions are:

  1. is it ok to create and use an array of signals from the design as I used?
  2. I don’t fully understand the relationship of threads in SystemVerilog - sometimes I use the #1ns to help the code work and sometimes doesn’t. does SystemVerilog produce different thread processes or is it 1 which is managed by the processor?
  3. is it ok to use if (signals[j] == 1) or something of the sort for logic purposes in a code? (relates to first question a little bit)

thanks for the help in advance!
*if the code tags didn’t work I am sorry, this is my first post and I wasn’t sure.

In reply to gabi0307:

You need to show the code where your code gets executed. The assignment to the array signals happens once before entering the for-loop.

The #1ns; statement is one of 3 statements in your fork/join_any block. I doubt this is what you wanted.

You need to explain the functionality you are looking to see as I expect the code you wrote is not what you intended. I am guessing you are missing a fork/join_none.