I have an object, it has 3 variables, all are rand. One of the variable i should be able to randomize such that the previous randomised value is different than the present randomised value.
What would be the best way to achive this ? ( I am not allowed to use randc)
Hi, you can use the post_randomize method. Every time you write a constraint, you will add one more, which will ensure that rand variables are not equal to variables that are not rand and are holding previous randomized values.
If you are only concerned about the new randomized value not being equal to only the previous value, then you can use the constraint “a != const’(a)”. If you want to exclude multiple previous values, you will want to create a dynamic array and add the generated value to the array in the post_randomize() method.
class transaction;
rand bit a;
rand bit b;
rand bit c;
constraint a_non_repeating { a != const'(a); }; // New value of 'a' != previous value
function new();
function void print();
$display("Values are a: %0d b: %0d c: %0d", a,b,c);
module testbench();
transaction txn;
initial begin
txn = new();
repeat (20) begin
if (!txn.randomize()) $display("Randomization failure!");
else txn.print();