Randomize a 32 bit variable so that only 2 bits are set Without using $countones()

How can you randomize a 32 bit variable using constraints so that only 2 bits are set Without using $countones()? Also, can you generalize the solution for an n bit set case?

In reply to totochan1985:

I am sure there are many approaches to this. One way is the below :

module test();
  bit arr[32];
  bit [31:0] rand_var;

  initial begin
    arr[0] = 1;
    arr[1] = 1;

    foreach(arr[i]) rand_var[i] = arr[i];
    $display("%b", rand_var);

To generalize, use a parameter for the size.

Generic solution using constraint :

           int N  ;  //  Non-random property so user can change it at run-time b4 calling randomize()
rand bit [31:0] v ;

constraint C2 { 
  N == ((v>>31)&1) + ((v>>30)&1) + ((v>>29)&1) + ... +((v>>6)&1) + ((v>>5)&1) + ((v>>4)&1) + ((v>>3)&1) + ((v>>2)&1) + ((v>>1)&1) + ((v>>0)&1);  