What is the maximum range of randc variable most of the simulator can support? (Note:- some simulator support more)?
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Variables declared with the randc keyword are random-cyclic variables that cycle through all the values in a random permutation of their declared range. Random-cyclic variables can only be reg or enumerated types, and are limited to a maximum size of 16 bits, so the maximum range for any randc variable is 0 to 65535.
my doubt is randc having any range. or it is simulator based?
From LRM:
To reduce memory requirements, implementations may impose a limit on the maximum size of a randc variable, but it shall be no less than 8 bits.
but when I am randomizing a variable grater than 32 bit using randc it shows’ error :-
The object ‘vari’, which is 33 bits wide, was declared as randc. This is not
allowed; an object may not be declared randc if it is more than 32 bits in
as per LRM:
To reduce memory requirements, implementations can impose a limit on the maximum size of a randc variable, but it should be no less than 8 bits.
less than 8 bit also working to randc variable
class mypacket;
randc bit [32:0] vari;
module tb_top;
mypacket pkt;
initial begin
pkt = new ();
pkt.randomize ();
$display ("Mode : %0d", pkt.vari);
The IEEE 1800-2017 SystemVerilog LRM is the only authoritative source for definition. The adherence to an IEEE standard is voluntary, and a tool may impose any limit they choose. But if they want to claim adherence to the standard, the only limit required is minimum of 8 bits.