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I have a variable of 4mega bits,( bit[(4x1024x1024)-1:0] msg_str).
I want to use the part select of this in code which is varying
like msg_str[1295:0],msg_str[129:0]
I cannot keep a variable like
int x = 1295;
msg_str[x:0] ;(syntax error)
what is the correct approach for this?
ARRAY_SIZE is random, and it depends on size of some other array
msg_len = msg.size();
len = (msg_lenx8) - 1;
after getting len , I have to use it in msg_str[len:0]
assuming it is bit-type operation. and variable declaration is :-
bit[(4x1024x1024)-1:0] msg_str;
If you want to use a ‘part select’ of this variable msg_str, note that SystemVerilog does not support using variables directly in part-select indices. One solution is to define a function that takes the start and end indices as arguments and returns the selected part of the bit vector.
Here is an example of such a function:
function bit [(ARRAY_SIZE-1):0] get_part_select(bit [(ARRAY_SIZE-1):0] vector, int s, int e);
bit [(ARRAY_SIZE-1):0] result;
vector = vector << ((ARRAY_SIZE-1)-s);
vector = vector >> ((ARRAY_SIZE-1)-s)+e;
return vector;
SystemVerilog does not allow variable sized part selects. The best approach to this depends on how you plan to use the slice
If you only plan on manipulating groups of bits, I suggest using dynamic arrays of bits along with the streaming operator
module top;
bit msg_str[] = {>>{64'hABCD_EF01_2345_6789}};
bit buffer[];
int bytes;
initial repeat (4) begin
void'(randomize(bytes) with {width inside {[1:7]} ;});
buffer = {>>{msg_str with [0+:bytes*8]}};
for(int i=0;i<buffer.size()/8;i++) $write("%h ",byte'(buffer[i+:8]));
If everything needs to be a packed array vector, you can use a mask to isolate the bits you needs to work with.
this will return the part selected value, with appended zeros also. I don’t need that zero’s.
will give an example
bit[(4x1024x1024)-1:0] msg_str;
__msg[ ] = {'h54,'h68,'h20,'h6f};(this data is available)
msg_len = __msg.size();
for(int l = 0; l< msg_len; l++)
msg_str_[((msg_len-1)-l)*8+:8] = __msg[l];
(now msg_str will have …000000000000000005468206f)
I want only the valid part of the variable like
msg_str[((msg_lenx8)-1):0] , zero’s are not needed because the msg_str[((msg_lenx8)-1):0] should be used in concatenation.
Thank you
As you have kept
[7:0] and [15:0] , I need that as variable like [X:0] ,
msg_str1[ARRAY_SIZE-1-X:ARRAY_SIZE-1]);if we have constant value we get the result, I cannot keep a variable in place of 7 and 15
Thank you,
what should be length of the msg variable declared?
(__I =128 bits, __q=32 bits, C=256 bits, and msg_str is not fixed)
(if i declare msg as (__I+__q+C = (416 bits) + msg_str bits (not fixed))
for ex if we consider msg_str is 32 bits, 416+32 = 448 bits
bit [499:0] msg, some big value I will declare, when values are assigned, [447:0] have the value and other will be zero. If I have loaded zero’s it will affect my result.
It seem like you would be better off using dynamic unpacked arrays of bits or bytes instead of fixed sized packed arrays. But you have not shown enough of what your are trying to implement to help any further.