Randcase called twice and return same value

In my TB I make 2 instance of module called “dcg_top”:

        logic[0:1] cfi_clkreq;
        initial begin
            cfi_clkreq = '0;
                cfi_clkreq = 2'b11;
                cfi_clkreq = 2'b00;

        dcg_top #(

        dcg_top #(

Each instance gets one bit of cfi_clkreq array as input.
when clk_rek changed from 0 to 1 this task is called:

task clock_vc_dcg::wait_before_clk_ack();
            20: async_delay_ps(20, 1);
            35: async_delay_ps(2500, 20);
            15: async_delay_ps(10000, 2500); 
            15: async_delay_ps(30000, 10000);
            10: async_delay_ps(30000, 10000);
            8 : async_delay_ps(100000, 30000);
            2 : async_delay_ps(200000, 100000);
endtask : wait_before_clk_ack

As you can see in my TB I change clk_req from 00 to 11 so this task should be called twice, in the two instance.
My problem is that in the both task call, the randcase returns the same value, even it called from separate instance.
How can I fix it? I want randcase to return different value in each call.

In reply to shay.moskovitz:

This is a problem with the definition of random stability in SystemVerilog. It expects you to write a testbench starting from a single module/program and spawn all the activity from there. All instances start with same seeded initialized random state (RNG), which is then propagated to to constructs like randcase, $urandom and randomize.

To work around this, some tools have switches that adds the module instance pathname to each module instance initial RNG. You can also do this manually with

module sub;
  int myseed;
  string pathname = $sformatf("%m");
  process p;
  initial begin
    myseed = $urandom;
    $display("initial seed %m %h",myseed);
    foreach (pathname[i])
      myseed += pathname[i];
    $display("path seed %m %h",myseed);
    p = process::self();
    $display("next random number %h",$urandom);
module top;
   sub i1(), i2(),i3();

In reply to dave_59:

Thank you Dave!
This work-around is working well.