I have queue which is having elements multiple of 16. Ex 256. But I have to take 16 element from queue and process that. After processing first 16 elements , I need to take next 16 elements from queue and process until all elements are finished processing from queue.
Please help me for this.
In reply to poonamnlwd:
You have not mentioned, required 16 element is available in consecutive location or available at different location.
if it is in consecutive location , Then i think queue empty checking + retrieving 16 entry in each round will work for you. ( like below ).
module m;
bit [31:0] data_queue[$:255] = '{256{$urandom}};
initial begin
while(data_queue.size > 0)begin
automatic bit [31:0] temp_data [16];
for(bit[4:0] i = 0; i <= 15; i++) temp_data[i] = data_queue.pop_front();
// Now process temp_data;
endmodule : m
In reply to harsh pandya:
modified the code to pop 16 elements from queue and create a single vector.
module m;
bit [31:0] data_queue[$:255];
initial begin
for(int i=0; i<256; i++) data_queue[i]=i+1;
while(data_queue.size > 0)begin
automatic bit [16] [31:0] temp_data;
foreach(temp_data[i]) temp_data[i] = data_queue.pop_front();
// Now process temp_data;
endmodule : m
In reply to harsh pandya:
I tried with this solution. Its working. Thanks
In reply to Alokpati:
Thanks for reply.