Question on " read task " of uvm_reg

I have a question on read task of uvm_reg. The uvm reference manual gives following description of read task:

virtual task read(output uvm_status_e status,
output uvm_reg_data_t value,
input uvm_path_e path = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH,
input uvm_reg_map map = null,
input uvm_sequence_base parent = null,
input int prior = -1,
input uvm_object extension = null,
input string fname = "",
input int lineno = 0 )

Read the current value from this register
Read and return value from the DUT register that corresponds to this abstraction class
instance using the specified access path. If the register is mapped in more than one
address map, an address map must be specified if a physical access is used (front-door
access). If a back-door access path is used, the effect of reading the register through a
physical access is mimicked. For example, clear-on-read bits in the registers will be set
to zero.
The mirrored value will be updated using the uvm_reg::predict() method.

Why is the argument uvm_sequence_base i.e. handle to parent sequence required here?

Also manual says that meaning of UVM_DEFAULT_PATH is operation specified by context. What does that mean? How is the operation specified by context? If we supply path argument as UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, how does the task infer backdoor or frontdoor access?
