Problem with waveforms


is there anyone else who has experienced problems with UVM using Candence SimVision waveforms?

I have run the simulation for only like 600ns with 5 byte variables and if I expand them to show all values it takes a long time to visualize it graphically.

Also if I want to move back and forth in time I need to wait several seconds until anything happens!

This makes working with it not really useful as it takes so long.

Could you please help me what’s the reason for this lag in time? Right now the simulation time is pretty low and also just a few variables. So what would happen if I add more variables and increase the simulation time to milliseconds, I think then nothing would react anymore because it takes too Long to update the waveform?

Thanks a lot in advance and Kind regards,

In reply to RenéPi:

Since this is Mentor specific forum, avoid other vendor/tool issues. Your bets is to ask the same at

Good Luck