Porting code inside verilog module to UVM class-based

I am trying to port an existing verilog testbench to UVM testbench, trying to avoid as much recoding as possible. I have a legacy testbench verilog module, which instantiates some other verilog modules, and also has continuous assign statements and procedural code inside ‘initial’ and ‘always’ blocks. It also has tasks/functions. I found an article on how to wrap the existing verilog code inside a class, in the Verification Horizon publication of Nov 2010; but the article only mentions on porting of tasks and functions. How do I port the verilog code inside the module which instantiates other modules, assign statements and procedural code inside ‘initial’ and ‘always’ blocks into class-based structure?

Here is the snippet of the verilog code:-

**module bfm_analog_top
parameter NAME = “bfm__analog_top”,

input CLK,
inout LR_SDI,


wire clk_osc;

// Delay through Level Shifter: 2 x INVX1 ~ 0.2ns
assign #0.2 clk_ref = clk_osc;

// Delay through Level Shifter: 2 x INVX1 ~ 0.2ns
assign #0.2 clk_ext = CLK;

// Delay through Sigma-Delta ADC + Level Shifter: 2.5ns + 2 x INVX1 ~ 2.7ns
assign #2.7 clk_adc_p1 = ana_blk_ena_0[4] ? clk_adc : 1’b0;

//Module instantiation
tristate_buf tristate_buf_SDO_inst (

assign (weak1, weak0) SDO = 1’bz; //always z no matter what sdo_amo_ena

wire [ADC_OUT_WL-1:0] bfm_adc_sample;

always @(negedge clk_adc) //@clock
    #1 adc_out <= bfm_adc_sample;

always @(osc_dis) //@event
    if(osc_dis == 0)

// FIXME: add more signals?
        adc_out = 0;

        $fmonitor(log_file, "%t %s.bias_trim:       %h", $realtime, NAME, bias_trim);
        init(); //calling task


In reply to shazra@audience.com:
There’s no need to port everything in your existing Verilog testbench over to class based UVM testbench. You just need to be able to control the procedural aspects of your testbench from UVM. That usually means converting your initial blocks over to the run_phase of some uvm_components. The always blocks could also become a run_phase method with a forever loop, but you’ll need to choose that on an individual basis.