I have 2 files which has different data and I have another task which should perform same operation on both files at a time(parallel). SO for task I am tried passing file handle and also files but when printing data its only printing data from one file. not getting data from another file
int c;
task conversion(int file_ponter1, file_pointer2,output data)begin
initial begin
read_file_1 = $fopen("a.txt","r");
read_file_c1 = $fopen("a.txt","r");
read_file_2 = $fopen("b.txt","r");
read_file_c2 = $fopen("b.txt","r");
if(c ==2) begin
conversion(read_file_1, read_file_c1, data1);
conversion(read_file_2, read_file_2, data2);
$display("data1 = %0h",data1);
$display("data2 = %0h",data2;
when I am printing data1 and data 2 I am getting same data for both files
After processing data from different files, it should give different data . But Its not happening