Our dut has 2 AXI masters, 1 axi slave and 1 ahb slave.
We have parameterized both AXI and AHB interfaces. Bydefault, ADDR_WIDTH = 32, DATA_WIDTH = 32
How to use parameterized interfaces in module ports?
as like below?
module dut_wrap
Axi4Interface#(.ADDR_WIDTH(36),.DATA_WIDTH(64)) axi_s_0,
Axi4Interface#(.ADDR_WIDTH(36),.DATA_WIDTH(64)) axi_m_0,
Axi4Interface#(.ADDR_WIDTH(36),.DATA_WIDTH(64)) axi_m_1,
AhbSlaveInterface#(.ADDR_WIDTH(36),.DATA_WIDTH(64)) ahb_s_0
module dut_wrap #(parameter ADDR_WIDTH=36,DATA_WIDTH=64)
Axi4Interface axi_s_0,
Axi4Interface axi_m_0,
Axi4Interface axi_m_1,
AhbSlaveInterface ahb_s_0
Both getting compilation errors…
Please advise.