
I have a question embedded in the comment section below in the code. Any help in on how to split a packed array into 2 packed arrays would be appreciated.

class my_descriptor extends uvm_object;
  rand bit [511:0] my_descr;
  `uvm_field_int(my_descr, UVM_DEFAULT | UVM_PHYSICAL)


class my_new_sequence extends proj_base_sequence;
  byte unsigned desc_bytes[];
  my_descriptor cmd_desc;
  function new (string name = "my_new_sequence");;
   endfunction : new
  virtual task body();
    packer = new;
    packer.big_endian = 0;
    void'(cmd_desc.pack_bytes(desc_bytes, packer));
    //desc_bytes is now a packed array of 512 bits
    //How do I split 'desc_bytes' so that I will have
    //2 packed arrays of 256bits each(desc_bytes_lo and desc_bytes_hi)?

In reply to Val.engg:
Use a bit-stream cast:

bit [255:0] desc_bytes_lo, desc_bytes_hi;

{desc_bytes_hi, desc_bytes_lo} = 512'(desc_bytes);

In reply to dave_59:
Thanks Dave.

One small issue in using the aboove mentioned solution (I should have mentioned earlier in my problem statement,my bad). I need to desc_bytes_lo, desc_bytes_hi to be of integral datatype.

Your inputs are highly appreciated. Thank you!

In reply to Val.engg:
Rather than letting me guess, can you show the declarations of desc_bytes_lo, desc_bytes_hi and how you want the bytes ordered.

In reply to dave_59:
I need to pass desc_bytes_lo, desc_bytes_hi to the following task

mem_wr(addr1, desc_bytes_lo);
mem_wr(addr2, desc_bytes_hi);

task mem_wr(input bit [39:0] ADDR,ref bit [7:0] WR_DATA[])

I need the bytes ordered so that I can use mem_wr task and write desc_bytes_lo and desc_bytes_hi into memory.

Pls let me know if I am not clear.

Again, thanks much for the help!

In reply to Val.engg:

OK, you really want me to guess. I’m going to assume the declarations are

 bit [7:0] desc_bytes_lo[], desc_bytes_hi[];

desc_bytes_lo = desc_bytes[0:255];
desc_bytes_hi = desc_bytes[256:511];

These are all dynamic unpacked arrays

In reply to dave_59:

Sorry, did not quite understand your question the first time.

Here is what I want:

byte unsigned desc_bytes_lo;
byte unsigned desc_bytes_hi;

I am not sure if your earlier suggestion will work…I can try.
bit [7:0] desc_bytes_lo, desc_bytes_hi;

Would appreciate your inputs (now that I have answered your question).