Obtaining all possible transitions via Constraint

Hi Forum ,

I have a 2-bit Mux Select ‘Sel’ . So Sel can have 4 possible Values 00 / 01 / 10 / 11 .

Now I want to achieve all possible transition i.e 00 => 01 , 00 => 10 , 00 => 11 . 01 => 00 , 01 => 10 , 01 => 11 etc.

Total 12 Transitions .

On each randomize() call ‘Sel’ can have value 00 / 01 / 10 / 11 .

I want to achieve all possible transitions in minimum number of randomize() call .

Any suggestions ??


Randomize 4 bit variable using randc and constrain it such that 1st 2 bits are never equal to last 2 bits. RANDOMIZE it 12 times.
12 cases will be created.
1st 2 bits are mux sel present value and last 2 bits are mux sel next value.
I hope it helps.