Need help in coding an assertion

Untested code, but looks very promising for your needs.
I user to clarify the case when valid drops but rises again before
idel has a chance to rise. There I did a ync_accept_on the property, making it vacuous.
// SVA Package: Dynamic and range delays and repeats
// SVA: Package for dynamic and range delays and repeats - SystemVerilog - Verification Academy Provides a library and model solutions

// I need to code assertions for the following scenario
// once valid is deasserted,  idle should not be asserted before x_delay cycles.
// Here x_delay is from a register which can change mid simulation and also can be 0,
// Another point, valid can be asserted back before idle is asserted check has to be disabled now,

// REPHRASE:  VALID may rise again before IDLE has a chance to rise. In this scenario, IDLE should not rise. 
// The check for IDLE rising should be disabled when VALID rises again before IDLE has asserted.

// valid      1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
// idle       0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 
// accept_on ( expression_or_dist ) property_expr
module m; 
import sva_delay_repeat_range_pkg::*;
/* //----------------------------------------------------------------
    // ******       DYNAMIC REPEAT q_s[*d1] ********** 
    // Implements   a_sequence[*count]
    // Application:  $rose(a)  |-> sq_rpt_simple_count(sq_1, d1)
    sequence sq_rpt_simple_count(sq, count);
        int v=count;
        (1, v=count) ##0 ( v>0 ##0 sq, v=v-1) [*1:$] ##0 v<=0;
    endsequence // sq_rpt_simple_count
    //Note:  "The sequence_expr of a sequential property shall not admit an empty   match (see 16.12.22)."  */

bit clk, idle, valid, reset_n=1; 
bit[2:0] range=3;
assert property (@ (posedge clk)
     disable iff (!reset_n)
     sync_accept_on ( $rose(valid, @(posedge clk)) )
          $fell(valid) |->   sq_rpt_simple_count(! idle, range) ##1 idle);


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