Multi dimensional array

I have a three dimensional array, where the array length is 64, the members in the array are 8 bits wide and I have 4 such arrays. may be some thing like the following:

bit[7:0] temp_data [] [:63];

now using foreach loop
I want to fill in data_byte with 64 entries of 8 bit number each in array[0], followed by array[1], array[2] and array[3]. How can we use nested foreach loop to achieve this. I have defined entries in temp_data[0], temp_data[1] and so on as below:

temp_data[0] = {'h0f,'h00,'h78,'h9a,'h20,'h12,'h78,'h9a,'h34,'h56,'h78,'h9a,'h34,'h56,'hac,'ha0,'h0f,'h00,'hab,'hab,'hac,'ha0,'hbc,'hde,'hab,'hcd,'h12,'h76,'h34,'h9a,'haa,'hbb,                  'hde,'hcd,'h12,'h78,'h56,'h78,'h1b,'h2d,'h34,'h56,'h78,'h9a,'h34,'h06,'ha0,'ha0,'hb3,'hd4,'h0b,'hac,'h34,'h9a,'hae,'h9b,'h0b,'h0d,'h20,'h79,'h34,'h9a,'hae,'h9b};

  foreach(data_byte[i]) data_byte[i] = temp_data[ii][i];

where data_byte basically is queue like : [7:0] data_byte[$];

I m having error like Incompatible complex type.The type of the target is ‘bit[7:0]$[3:0][63:0]’, while the
type of the source is 'bit[31:0].

In reply to 100rabhh:

bit[7:0] temp_data [$] [$:63];
bit[7:0] data_byte[$];

initial begin

temp_data[0] = {'h0f,'h00,'h78,'h9a,'h20,'h12,'h78,'h9a,'h34,'h56,'h78,'h9a,'h34,'h56,'hac,'ha0,'h0f,'h00,'hab,'hab,'hac,'ha0,'hbc,'hde,'hab,'hcd,'h12,'h76,'h34,'h9a,'haa,'hbb, 'hde,'hcd,'h12,'h78,'h56,'h78,'h1b,'h2d,'h34,'h56,'h78,'h9a,'h34,'h06,'ha0,'ha0,'hb3,'hd4,'h0b,'hac,'h34,'h9a,'hae,'h9b,'h0b,'h0d,'h20,'h79,'h34,'h9a,'hae,'h9b};

temp_data[1] = ...
temp_data[2] = ...
temp_data[3] = ...

    foreach(temp_data[i][j]) data_byte.push_back(temp_data[i][j]);

//display data_byte
foreach(data_byte[j]) $display("%h", data_byte[j]);


In reply to 100rabhh:

There is not enough code to reproduce your error. It would help to show complete declarations. Even better would be an mcve. Also, unless you are coping en entire queue, you need to push an element on the queue before you can reference it.