Modelsim Altera Starter Edition 10,000 lines of code limit


Does the 10,000 line limit for the Modelsim Altera Starter Edition apply to total number of lines of code or is it for each verilog .v file?

I was able to compile using vlog command without errors and then when trying to run the simulation in vsim, after loading all libraries, it flagged “Error loading design” at the end without any details regarding the error.

Please enlighten me whether this is expected of the Modelsim tool that I am using or if the error is something else.


This forum is not for tool specific help. I suggest you try and provide more details of the commands you used and when the error occurred.

In reply to dave_59:

Thank you for pointing me to alteraforum, Dave.
Will try and post an alternative link in case this one doesn’t serve our purpose.