In reply to criz:
Several subtle issues I see in your TB code. A quick fixed version (not fully tested) is below.
- You are using (mis?) begin/end unnecessarily. Especially with SV, task/functions do not need begin…end itself. You’ve begin…end even around @(negedge clk) begin → this means a block of code blocked by this timing event. Most likely it is unintended.
- paddr width changes from TB to DUT - why? A lint would flag it easily.
- Fix indentation, please
Good luck
task Write;
@(negedge pclk);// begin
psel = 1;
penb = 0;
@(negedge pclk);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i=i+1) begin
@(negedge pclk);// begin
penb = 1 ;
pwrite = 1;
paddr = i;
pwdata = i;
$display("%0t PADDR %h, PWDATA %h ",$time, paddr,pwdata);