Hi ,
i am adding cover directives for checking connectivity matrix which have 20 masters and 60 slaves. I wanted the directive names to be in a understandable format , rather than opening the code and check .
noc_master_cpu_1_accessing_slave_mem_low_w : cover property(cov_addr(Aw_Addr,Aw_Valid,33’h0_C140_0000, (33’h0_C140_0000 + (321024))));
noc_master_cpu1_accessing_slave_mem_high_w : cover property(cov_addr(Aw_Addr,Aw_Valid,(33’h0_C140_0000 + (331024)),(33’h0_C140_0000 + (641024))));
noc_master_cpu1_accessing_slave_mem_low_r : cover property(cov_addr(Ar_Addr,Ar_Valid,33’h0_C140_0000, (33’h0_C140_0000 + (321024))));
noc_master_cpu1accessing_slavemem_high_r : cover property(cov_addr(Ar_Addr,Ar_Valid,(33’h0_C140_0000 + (331024)),(33’h0_C140_0000 + (641024))));
above 4 lines are for 1 master accessing 1 slave , i can generate it , but the name i am getting in generate is not meaningful .
Is there any way i can update cpu1 and mem info while generating the assertions .