In reply to dave_59:
i’m learning how mailboxes work so as an example i have considered an alu block and by using mailbox im accessing the inputs.
is it right way to do ?
i want to access my mailbox everytime my inputs(opcode op1,op2 ) changes at #1 time .
class driver;
stimulus sti;
mailbox m_box;
//constructor, getting mailbox handle
function new(mailbox m_box);
this.m_box = m_box;
task run;
repeat(5) begin
m_box.get(sti); //getting stimulus from mailbox
$display("Driver:: stimulus is received at %g",$time);
$display("[Driver]:stimulus is generated :: op1 = %d , op2 = %d , opcode = %d %d",sti.op1,sti.op2,sti.opcode,m_box.num());