Loop for bind statements

I have the code shown below. It is not inside a module - endmodule, so I cannot use a generate block. The code is inside the tb top.
Is there any way to put this code in a loop?

bind foo some_checker u_bp_d_0 (
    .data 	(top.dut.data_pin[0])

bind foo some_checker u_bp_d_1 (
    .data 	(top.dut.data_pin[1])

bind foo some_checker u_bp_d_2 (
    .data 	(top.dut.data_pin[2])

bind foo some_checker u_bp_d_3 (
    .data 	(top.dut.data_pin[3])

bind foo some_checker u_bp_d_4 (
    .data 	(top.dut.data_pin[4])

bind foo some_checker u_bp_d_5 (
    .data 	(top.dut.data_pin[5])

bind foo some_checker u_bp_d_6 (
    .data 	(top.dut.data_pin[6])

bind foo some_checker u_bp_d_7 (
    .data 	(top.dut.data_pin[7])

bind foo some_checker u_bp_d_8 (
    .data 	(top.dut.data_pin[8])

In reply to new_to_uvm:

Where is this code, and why does it need to be in the place you think it needs to be?