Introduction to system verilog

To whom it may concern: I have been asked to learn OVM and take the OVM class. After viewing a few classes, the instructor refers to things I know nothing about. Such as classes, packages, constrictors, ect. I have looked for a class on introduction to system Verilog and I don’t see one. The classes I see that involve system Verilog seem to be for someone who is already versed in system Verilog. My level of Verilog is the following… I know what an always block is, a combinatorial statement, and can instantiate lower level modules. And that’s about it. Is there a system Verilog class within the courses offered by the verification academy that can teach someone system Verilog who has no experience beyond what I listed above?

Thank you.

I don’t think (not sure 100%) verification Academy has Video where Basic of System verilog has been explained!

But you can learn basic concept which you mentioned in your post in other site where they explained very well

here are few sites mentioned in Verif Academy Post.

Also recently i found

These will give you basic overview of System verilog. :) Happy learning