Hi All,
I was working on APB template. I created a basic package for test class like this:
package apb_test_pkg;
`include "uvm_macros.svh"
import uvm_pkg::*;
`include "tb_defines.sv"
`include "apb_base_test.sv"
endpackage: apb_test_pkg
and imported this package in top module like this:
module tb_top();
`include "uvm_macros.svh"
import uvm_pkg::*;
import apb_test_pkg::*;
bit clk_100MHz;
apb_interface apb_intf(clk_100MHz);
initial begin
forever begin
#((0.5/`APB_CLK_FREQ) * 1s) clk_100MHz = ~clk_100MHz;
apb_design DUT (
initial begin
uvm_config_db#(virtual apb_interface)::set(null,"*","APB_INTF",apb_intf);
but i am getting following error
**# ** Error: …/tb/tb_top/tb_top.sv(7): Could not find the package (apb_test_pkg). Design read will continue, but expect a cascade of errors after this failure. Furthermore if you experience a vopt-7 error immediately before this error then please check the package names or the library search paths on the command line.
** Error: C:/questasim_10.2c/win32/vlog failed.**
If instead of importing the “apb_test_pkg” if i simply include all files of this package in top module it will work. since i already added path of this package in run script but still facing same error, could you guys help me to understand why it is so?
Aaditya Vishal Soni