I'm trying to create a dynamic array of type int and using a for loop trying to assign a value to each element of the array. I'm getting a syntax error while doing so

int cores[];
	for(int i=0; i<no_cores; i++)begin

Syntax error at for
Syntax error at <
Syntax error at ++
Syntax error at end

I don know where I’m going wrong. Shud I allocate memory using malloc func?

In reply to Ammu4392:

Did you forget to do something like this before assigning the values?


In reply to ningyangverificationacademy:

IF I do that I get a error stating syntax error at new

cores = new[10];

In reply to Ammu4392:

Post more of your code here then.

In reply to ningyangverificationacademy:

int no_cores = 8;
rand int no_of_transactions;
int no_of_transactions_max = 10;
int no_of_transactions_min = 1;

int cores[];
cores = new[no_cores];
for(int i=0; i<no_cores; i++)begin

In reply to Ammu4392:

These statements should be in some function or task.

cores = new[no_cores];
for(int i=0; i

cores=new[no_cores] is procedural code; it can’t hang around with variable declarations.

class myclass;

rand int no_of_transactions;
int no_cores = 8;

int no_of_transactions_max = 10;
int no_of_transactions_min = 1;

int cores;

function void init_memory();
cores = new[no_cores]; // <---- my new home!


In reply to Ammu4392:

compare to this

In reply to bmorris:

Why shud we have a function for that?

In reply to bmorris:

why shud’nt it be just

int cores;
cores = new[no_cores];

In reply to ningyangverificationacademy:

why shud those statements be include inside a function?

In reply to Ammu4392:

cores=new[no_cores] is a function call; it has to be called by another function or task.

In reply to bmorris:

oh okay. thank u :)

In reply to Ammu4392:

In addition, the assignment should be done either in

  • a declaration (e.g. int cores = new[no_cores];) OR
  • inside any block/method such as initial, always, function or task.