I'm getting the value of a variable but not using config_db#()::get(), how?

I was observed that, in my testbench, inside env setting enum value as shown below::



uvm_config_db#(uvm_bitstream_t)::set(this, "arf_agent.*", "mon_mode", mode);

inside arf_agent monitor, it is shown below::

mode mon_mode = MON_UNSPECIFIED;

when I print the mon_mode, it is printing the MON_TARGET.
But here there is no uvm_config_db#()::get()method.

Is it possible to get the value which is set in the config_db, without using get() method?

In reply to PPK:

Are you using the field automation macros `uvm_field_*?

In reply to dave_59:

Hi Dave Rich,

yes, inside monitor, its shown below:

`uvm_field_enum (mode, mon_mode, UVM_ALL_ON)

But what is the relation between config_db methods and the field automation macros?

In reply to PPK:

Along with their poor performance, this is one of the many reasons we recommend not using the field macros.

When using the field macros in a class derived from uvm_component, its build_phase calls apply_config_settings.

You can prevent this from happening by not using the field macros, or not calling super.build_phase in your component’s build_phase.

The field macros do make it quick and easy to get compare and print functionality in transactions, but I rarely see that needed in components.