I cannot pick up value from type chandle (void *) throught vpi

I’m new in systemverilog vpi. I try to get value of argument pasing as chandle (void *). I dont know what i’m doing wrong. Minimum require sorce code is below. Please can you give me some advice?. I’m using modelsim to simulate. I have an other question: Is pli death and i should only use dpi?

vsim -version
“Model Technology ModelSim SE-64 vsim 10.6a Simulator 2017.03 Mar 16 2017”
I think 2017.03 is xilinxe library.


import "DPI-C" function chandle malloc(int size); //only for test purpose
import "DPI-C" function void free(chandle ptr);   //only for test purpose
import "DPI-C" function int printf(string s, chandle add); //only for test purpose

module testbench();
    int ret;
    chandle addr;

    initial begin
      addr = malloc(10);

      printf("addr %p\n", addr);
      ret =  $hello(addr);


static int hello(PLI_BYTE8 * user_data){

vpiHandle this, args, arg;
struct t_vpi_value val, ret;
void * data;

//get pointer to caller of this function
this = vpi_handle(vpiSysTfCall, NULL);
args = vpi_iterate(vpiArgument, this); //get pointer to arguments

while(arg = vpi_scan(args)){
if(type == 622){ //vpiChandlerVar
val.format = vpiSuppressVal; // vpiObjTypeVal; // vpiSuppressVal;
vpi_get_value(arg, &val);
data = val.value.misc;
printf(“addr is %p\n” , data);
return 0;
void Registerhello( void )
s_vpi_systf_data systf_data;
vpiHandle systf_handle;

systf_data.type = vpiSysFunc; //vpiSysTask;
systf_data.sysfunctype = vpiIntFunc; // 0;
systf_data.tfname = “$hello”;
systf_data.calltf = hello;
systf_data.compiletf = 0;
systf_data.sizetf = 0;
systf_data.user_data = 0;

systf_handle = vpi_register_systf( &systf_data );
vpi_free_object( systf_handle );

void (*vlog_startup_routines)() = {



addr 0x29534d0

addr is (nil)

//compilation procedure
vlib work
vlog -sv12compat test.sv

gcc -std=c11 -g0 -O3 -fPIC -I/usr/local/fpga/Modeltech/include test.c -o test.o -c
ld -shared test.o -o test.so

vsim -c testbench -pli test.so
run -all
quit -f

In reply to Radek.isa:

I’m not sure, but I would assume since chandles are just integers you should use the value.integer property. You could do:

      // Say that the 'simulator' should fill the format
      val.format = vpiObjTypeVal;
      vpi_get_value(arg, &val);

      // Check the value of 'val.format'
      // - ideally it should be integer
      // ...

      // If format is 'vpiIntegerVal' as assumed, access it
      data = val.value.integer;

I wouldn’t say VPI is dead. Some things you can only do with VPI and not with DPI. If what you want can be done via DPI, it’s probably easier and requires much less code that reverting to VPI.