Hi,I need to write assertions for I2C protocol.I am stuck in writing assertion for I2C START condition.The condition is "During SCL is HIGH the SDA should fall from HIGH to LOW "SCL is the clockline ,and SDA is the data line.
How should I write the triggering event for property as I need to check that condition when SCL is HIGH.
In reply to rajan passionate:
Make a faster clk in the TB , say 3x SCL
But, in I2C , data toggling takes place when SCL is low, except for start condition.
You enable your assertions after start is detected , to check data toggling when SCL is low.
Detect start like -
@(negedge iic_if_i.Sda);
if(iic_if_i.Scl) begin
start_detected = 1;
In reply to ashish_banga:
Thanks asish.