How to pass the "this" of a class which is a parameterized class, to the member class who instanced inside it

The question is just as the title, and I will give a demo to describe it more clear.

typedef CA;

class CB;
string inst;
    CA parent;

    function new(string inst="CB", CA parent);
        this.inst   = inst;
        this.parent = parent;

class CA#(type rm_xaction = bk_rm_xaction, int  TBL_NUM = 16 ) extends CA_father;
    CB cb_inst;

    function new();

There will be sytax error for the above code when the CA is instanced with different parameter of the rm_xaction.
It seems that is is impossible to do that.

In reply to aug_com:
You must use a common base class to store handles to parameterized class objects. So use CA_father parent in this case.

BTW, you should name your class CA_base instead of CA_father. I suggest avoiding the terms parent/father and child when referring to a base and extended class types. There is only one object created when constructing an extended class.