Hi Dave,
We are developing UVM based VIP with SV engine, we have two packages one : SV package containing SV files and two: UVM package.
I am trying to get the interface into the SV package via a container but to define the interface datatype the interface which is instantiated in the top_TB of the UVM (which is included in UVM package) needs to be compiled first. But , within the UVM driver we are callling a task that is in the SV package and hence, expecting SV package to be compiled first.
Due to the inter-dependency we are stuck. If we can directly include the interface into the SV package then this issue might be solved . How can we import the interface into the package
We tried using
typdef axi_vif vif1; in the package
and tried to instantiate in the Sv_driver:
vif1 vif.
we see the following error:
Error: …/sv_package/sv_master_driver.sv(7): near “vif1”: syntax error, unexpected TYPE_IDENTIFIER, expecting ‘;’
Could u provide us with some inputs.