I’m trying to write coverpoints for specific sequences of instructions in a pipeline:
pipe_stage_0: coverpoint({stage_0_is_inst_A, stage_0_is_inst_B})
bins IS_A = {2'b10};
bins IS_B = {2'b01};
bins IS_NEITHER = {2'b00};
pipe_stage_1: coverpoint({stage_1_is_inst_A, stage_1_is_inst_B})
bins IS_A = {2'b10};
bins IS_B = {2'b01};
bins IS_NEITHER = {2'b00};
pipe_stage_2: coverpoint({stage_2_is_inst_A, stage_2_is_inst_B})
bins IS_A = {2'b10};
bins IS_B = {2'b01};
bins IS_NEITHER = {2'b00};
pipe_inst_cross: cross pipe_stage_0, pipe_stage_1, pipe_stage_2
bins A_B_NEITHER = binsof(pipe_stage_0.IS_A) && binsof(pipe_stage_1.IS_B) && binsof(pipe_stage_2.IS_NEITHER);
bins A_A_NEITHER = binsof(pipe_stage_0.IS_A) && binsof(pipe_stage_1.IS_A) && binsof(pipe_stage_2.IS_NEITHER);
bins NEITHER_A_B = binsof(pipe_stage_0.IS_NEITHER) && binsof(pipe_stage_1.IS_A) && binsof(pipe_stage_2.IS_B);
... // a few other explicit sequences I want to include
// somehow ignore remainder bins?
The coverage report certainly shows these explicit bins, but unfortunately it also autogenerates every other combination of the cross. (The latter greatly outnumbers the former.)
How can I ignore those remainder bins? I have tried
ignore_bins ignore_invalid = default;
but it seems this is not allowed in a cross statement.