Assume that there is an array of 4 bit size eg: c[3:0] and every time one bit should be 1 and remaining bits should be 0’s and it should display number of 1’s in that array.
In reply to dinakarkuchi9:
You can the the system functions in SystemVerilog anywhere, in SAV, procedural blocks, constraints:
- $onehot(expression) returns `true (bit 1’b1) if only one bit of the expression is high.
- $onehot0(expression) returns `true (bit 1’b1) if at most one bit of the expression is high. This is equivalent to $onehot(expression) || expression==0
- $isunknown(expression) returns `true (bit 1’b1) if any bit of the expression is X or Z. This is equivalent to ^(expression) === ’bx.
- $countones (expression) returns the number of ONEs in a bit vector expression. X and Z values are not counted towards the number of ones.
- $countbits(expression, list_of_control_bits) // list used to identifies which values to count list_of_control_bits ::= control_bit { , control_bit } $countbits returns (as an int)the number of bits that have a specific set of values (e.g., 0, 1, X, Z) in a bit vector. For example, [1] $countbits (expression, '1, '0) returns the number of bits in expression having values 1or 0. $countbits (expression, 'x, 'z) returns the number of bits in expression having values X. or Z.
Ben Cohen
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