How to check value of three bit variable on the posegde of clock

Hi All,

I have one problem. I need to write somehow that if on interface value is of 3 bit variable is 000 in the same clock slave should start working something. The problem is that slave will see that in the next clock, so I wanted to write something like @((negedge (m_vif.MCmd[0]) or m_vif.MCmd[0] == 0) and (negedge (m_vif.MCmd[1]) or m_vif.MCmd[1] == 0) and (negedge (m_vif.MCmd[2]) or m_vif.MCmd[2] == 0)). this way i should have information if is falling edge (which means that in the next clock value will be 0) or in the previous state is 0, but even like this I am not sure how to be sure that there wont be rising edge. So the question is how to check for 3 bit to all be zero in the same moment when is rising egde of the clock.
