How does .sum() operate in a constraint

Goal : To generate a array with sum of all the elements is less than or equal to N(array-size)

class data;
  rand bit [5:0] val[]; //a dynamic array of unsigned 6-bit elements
  //constraint to generate the sum of all the elements in the array is less than or equal to N(array size)
  constraint c1 {
    //fixing the size of the array(which is N)
    val.size() == 8;
    val.sum() with (int'(item)) <= 8; //working
    val.sum() <= 8; //not-working
  function void display();

module test;
  data d;
      d = new();

I would like to understand how does the .sum() operator work in a constraint. For the above code, with this line: val.sum() with (int’(item)) <= 8; I was able to generate an array with sum of all the elements less than or equal to array-size but when I use this line val.sum() <= 8; the array elements are generated randomly based on the datatype range. Could someone please help me to understand this behaviour.

val.sum() with (int’(item)) <= 8;

val.sum() <= 8

The `sum() array reduction operator works the same in a constraint as it does anywhere else.

See my DVCon paper: SystemVerilog Constraints: Appreciating What You Forgot in School to Get Better Results

Thank you for pointing me to the right direction!