How do you get the current global time precision?


How can I get the current “global time precision”?

Specifically, I’m having issues with a clocking block in my DV-Model’s interface. It uses “1step” input skew. I’d like to know what my 1step is. The LRM says 1 step == 1 global time precision == minimum of (all modules’ time precision values).

(I also understand, that the global time precision should be the same whether in a module that uses timeprecision=1ns vs. in different package that uses timeprecision=1ps)


In reply to jangeles:

A clocking block input skew of “1step” simply means the sampled value at the end of the previous time step. It’s really the same as the value at the beginning of the current time step. So it should not matter what the global precision is.

In reply to dave_59:

Since the signals cannot change at a time that is not a multiple of the timeprecision, eh? That’s a good point.

Thank you Dave!