I have a set of sequences and sequences of sequences, and I would like to be able to change the constraints for my lowest level sequence from the top level sequence, without modifying the lowest level sequence.
To make this a little more concrete, here is an example. A_lseq_signal contains a A_seq_stop_signal, which itself is extended from A_seq_base which extends uvm_sequence #(A_tb_txn). wait_time is a randomizable int within A_tb_txn.
My goal is to be able to constrain wait_time from A_lseq_signal. This code is the closest I’ve gotten and it’s giving me a null access error. You can also see my past attempts, which are commented out.
class A_seq_base extends uvm_sequence #(A_tb_txn);
// Constructor
function new (string name = "A_seq_base");
endfunction : new
// UVM Sequence Body task
virtual task body();
endtask : body
endclass : A_seq_base
class A_seq_stop_signal extends A_seq_base;
// Constructor
function new (string name = "A_seq_stop_signal");
endfunction : new
// UVM Sequence Body task
virtual task body();
assert(req.randomize() with {req.A_command == A_instructions::STOP_SIGNAL;} );
// `uvm_do_on_with(req,p_sequencer,{req.A_command == A_instructions::STOP_SIGNAL;})
endtask : body
endclass : A_seq_stop_signal
class A_lseq_signal extends A_seq_base ;
A_seq_stop_signal stop_seq;
// Constructor
function new (string name = "A_lseq_signal");
// Create the sub sequences
stop_seq = A_seq_stop_signal::type_id::create("stop_seq");
endfunction : new
virtual task body();
assert(stop_seq.randomize() with {stop_seq.req.wait_time == 5;} );
// assert(stop_seq.randomize() with {stop_seq.wait_time == 5;} );
// stop_seq.start(p_sequencer);
// `uvm_do_with(stop_seq, {stop_seq.wait_time==5;})
endtask : body
endclass : A_lseq_signal