How do I prepare the scoreboard to handle one transaction interrupted by an other?


I have two masters writing with burst transfers to the same address at the same time. Because of the arbitration one master interrupts the other and finishes sooner. (So one transaction is embedded in the other) I have a problem with matching the items in the scoreboard, because the generation of the items is not happening in the correct order, and I can not use the address and any other remark to distinguish the scoreboard items.

How can I prepare the scoreboard to handle this?

Thank you in advance.

In reply to tamtot01:

What do you mean with:
(1) Arbitration of masters? Did you specify a specific Arbitration mode?
(2) What do you mean with Interrupts the other? Do you use lock or grab?

In reply to chr_sue:

Hi chr_sure,

(2) interrupts the other meaing, while master1 accessing the slave, master2 also tries to access the same slave, since master2 has the high priority in the arbitration logic master2 interrupts the master1 and master2 access the slave.

Prakash Velpula

In reply to prakashraj:

You are mixing 2 Terms: Arbitration and Interrupt. Does master2 has a higher priority or has master2 to Interrupt the work of master1?