How do get a report of which sequence is currently running on a sequencer?

How do get a report of which sequence is currently running on a sequencer? This is for debugging/info only … I can already see I have a problem. What I want is a bit more debugging info. There are multiple sequences that can run and I want to know which is queued up to. I’d settle for getting the information (sequence by name) from the driver after get_next_item unblocks, but I don’t see how to do that either.

Just to be clear, I don’t want to know the current_grabber … I want to know which sequence is queued up to run. There is no grabbing or locking, that’s why it’s broken. But it’s broken with odd behaviour and before I simply make the problem go away with better coding I want to verify what I think is happening.

Thanks in advance.

In reply to DHDHD:

This information is in your hands. You should issue a uvm_info. Then its indicating which sequences are running.
See my example below:
task apb_default_seq::body();
`uvm_info(get_type_name(),“default sequence starting”, UVM_MEDIUM)
item = apb_seq_item::type_id::create(“item”);
start_item(item); = data;
item.addr = addr;
item.we = we;
item.delay = delay;

In reply to chr_sue:

Thanks. That’s what I did, for both series of sequences up all 4 levels of layers. That’s how I know I need to see what the sequencer has to say about it. The uvm_info (above) is issued before the start_item, but I’ve even peppered each step of the sequencer body with uvm_info’s. All those can tell me is what goes on before finish_item.
I’ve got two sequences, both uvm_infoing that they are running, all is well, but what actually happens is that the second to report is jumping in. Or so say the uvm_infos by order or reporting.
I’ll do some more digging into the under-the-hood order of the get_next_item and start/finish_item events.

In reply to DHDHD:

The driver side print should tell you who won the arbitration at a given cycle. If you want to see all lined up at SQR side, try doing sqr.print() (UVM Sequencer::do_print is equipped to print the arbitration queue).

Good Luck

In reply to DHDHD:

Could you please explain how you are running your sequences. Dou you have a virtual sequence or do you start your sequences manually on your agent sequencers.

In reply to Srini @

Thanks. I’m going to mark this as a solution because it looks like the best way forward. I’ve looked into the methods in both uvm_sequencer_base and uvm_seuencer_param_base, as well as just m_sequencer.print, but I don’t see any way to get just what you described “see all lined up at SQR side” (which is just what I want). I only ever see this in a print report:

arbitration_queue  array                  0     -

That could be because I’m calling the method when the queue is empty of course. I’ll work at this and post a solution if I figure it out.
Thanks again.

In reply to chr_sue:
I think an example will just clutter up the question. What I want to know is how to find out in any case where a sequencer has sequences queued up, what those sequences are and which is up next to execute.

In reply to DHDHD:

Assuming all you need is to print the arb Q inside SQR whenever it gets populated, here is a trick. I did this a while back for a hanging RAPID-IO code.

class my_sqr extends uvm_sequencer;
 virtual task wait_for_grant(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr,
                                     int item_priority = -1,
                                     bit lock_request = 0);
  endtask : wait_for_grant

endclass : my_sqr

I don’t recall the exact code, but the idea is - right when the Q gets populated, print it.

Good Luck

In reply to Srini @

Quick update - below is the code along with some results, hopefully this is close to what you were looking for (In my case there are 3 sequences running in parallel on a single SQR).

class vl_rgb_2_yuv_sequencer extends uvm_sequencer #(vl_rgb_2_yuv_xactn);

  function new(string name, uvm_component parent);,parent);
  endfunction : new

  virtual task wait_for_grant(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr,
                                     int item_priority = -1,
                                     bit lock_request = 0);

    super.wait_for_grant (sequence_ptr, item_priority, lock_request);
  endtask : wait_for_grant

  function void do_print (uvm_printer printer);
  printer.print_array_header("arbitration_queue", arb_sequence_q.size());
  foreach (arb_sequence_q[i])
    printer.print_string($sformatf("[%0d]", i),
       $sformatf("%s name: %s@seqid%0d",arb_sequence_q[i],
                 arb_sequence_q[i].sequence_id), "[");

  printer.print_array_header("lock_queue", lock_list.size());
    printer.print_string($sformatf("[%0d]", i),
       $sformatf("%s@seqid%0d",lock_list[i].get_full_name(),lock_list[i].get_sequence_id()), "[");

Note - I added extra prints to get full seq name.

Sample Log:

arbitration_queue array 2 -

[0] string 107 SEQ_TYPE_REQ name: uvm_test_top.vl_rgb_2_yuv_env.vl_rgb_2_yuv_agent.vl_rgb_2_yuv_sequencer.dir_seq_0@seqid2

[1] string 108 SEQ_TYPE_REQ name: uvm_test_top.vl_rgb_2_yuv_env.vl_rgb_2_yuv_agent.vl_rgb_2_yuv_sequencer.rand_seq_0@seqid3

lock_queue array 0 -


In reply to Srini @
This is great. Thanks. I changed the name to “talkative_sequencer” and prepended “Extra:” to all your print statements. This is what I get:

Name                        Type                   Size  Value
sequencer                   talkative_sequencer    -     @726 
  rsp_export                uvm_analysis_export    -     @735 
  seq_item_export           uvm_seq_item_pull_imp  -     @853 
  arbitration_queue         array                  0     -    
  lock_queue                array                  0     -    
  num_last_reqs             integral               32    'd1  
  num_last_rsps             integral               32    'd1  
  Extra: arbitration_queue  array                  0     -    
  Extra: lock_queue         array                  0     -    

But I never see anything in the queue. I’ve actually got a description of the testbench here
which has a link to the code on EDA playground. That example has semaphores which fix the original problem, but I still want to know how to see what’s in the queue, or rather, what sequence is next up to run.
It seems obvious that the value of


is always zero. I’m curious about your result. Do you recall ever seeing all three sequences in your report? You showed two. It might be that a single sequence item doesn’t actually sit in the queue proper. I’ll need to take a deeper look into the the uvm sequencer base classes to see what I find.