How do export "DPI-C" task call sequence?

I want to call seqence from the task of export “DPI-C” task.
Are there the other method except the inferface?

In reply to birdluo:

Sound a little bit confusing to me.
Do you want to start a sequence from a piece of C-code? Is this right?
This is possible but it complicates the common mechanism.

In reply to chr_sue:

the mechanism is for c code. the code is from software team.
the function of c code is write and read register.

so the sequence of uvm vip(apb,axi,ahb) should be called by c code.

In reply to birdluo:

the flow is as below:
[] the c code call task.
] the task call sequence.

how to fix the issue if the interface is not used?

In reply to birdluo:

The DPI allows you to call SV tasks from C-code and c-subroutines from SV tasks and functions.Calling a sequence is impossibel. What is executed during simulation is the body-task of a sequence. You could call in this body-task c-subroutines with your register commands.

In reply to chr_sue:
I can’t understand what you say.
can you provide the example of code?

In reply to birdluo:

In reply to birdluo:

I faced the similar problem recently. I did the following for it.

package dpi_seq_pkg;
  import "DPI-C" context task C_Program();
  export "DPI-C" task sv_write;
  export "DPI-C" task sv_read ;

  int    Addr, Data;
  enum   {WRITE, READ} kind;
  event  cmd_start, seq_done;

  task sv_write(input int A, D);
    kind = WRITE; Addr = A; Data = D;
  endtask : sv_write

  task sv_read(input int A, output int D);
    kind = READ; Addr = A;
    D = Data;
  endtask : sv_read

endpackage : dpi_seq_pkg
task DPI_sequence::body()
    // C Program

    begin : program_rendering
      wait (dpi_seq_pkg::cmd_start.triggered);
      if(dpi_seq_pkg::kind == dpi_seq_pkg::WRITE)
        agent_write_sequence  api_wr_seq = agent_write_sequence::type_id::create("api_wr_seq");
        api_wr_seq.Addr = dpi_seq_pkg::Addr;
        api_wr_seq.Data = dpi_seq_pkg::Data;
        api_wr_seq.start(m_sequencer, this);
      if(dpi_seq_pkg::kind == dpi_seq_pkg::READ)
        agent_read_sequence   api_rd_seq = agent_write_sequence::type_id::create("api_rd_seq");
        api_rd_seq.Addr = dpi_seq_pkg::Addr;
        api_rd_seq.start(m_sequencer, this);
        dpi_seq_pkg::Data = api_rd_seq.Data;
      -> dpi_seq_pkg::seq_done;
    end // Program_rending


  disable : fork;
extern "C" void sv_write(int, int  );
extern "C" void sv_read (int, int *);
extern "C" void C_Program(void)
  int * RDATA;
  sv_write( 20, 5);
  sv_read (20, RDATA);
  cout << "  RDATA : " << RDATA << endl;

How do you think about this way?

In reply to serizawa:
the example (C_stimulus_pkg.tgz) of dave_59 is ok with cadence tool.
but the code will be modified.

old code

good code

Maybe this is helpful for you.

In reply to serizawa:

I came up with a better idea.

package dpi_seq_pkg;
  import "DPI-C" context task C_Program();
  export "DPI-C" task sv_write;
  export "DPI-C" task sv_read ;

  import uvm_pkg::*;

  uvm_sequencer_base sqr;
  uvm_sequence       seq;
  task DPI_start(uvm_sequencer_base sqr_, uvm_sequence seq_);
    sqr = sqr_;
    seq = seq_;

  import agent_pkg::*;
  task sv_write(input int A, D);
    agent_write_sequence  api_wr_seq = agent_write_sequence::type_id::create("api_wr_seq");
    api_wr_seq.Val_A = A;
    api_wr_seq.Val_D = D;
    api_wr_seq.start(sqr, seq);
  endtask : sv_write

In an UVM Sequence

task DPI_sequence::body()
    // C Program
    dpi_seq_pkg::DPI_start(m_sequencer, this);

C program is generating UVM sequence via exported SV tasks inside dpi_seq_pkg. To make it possible, the handles to UVM sequencer and UVM sequence are passed to dpi_seq_pkg in the similar manner of UVM sequence start.
I think this is a simpler and more straightforward way without using a register model.

You can find my example in GitHub here.

I was facing the same issue, so i have taken extra refmodule now i can assign my response of c to the variables of this refmodule, so this can be used for scoreboard comparison.

module refmod;
  int paddr,prdata;
export "DPI-C" function read1;

  function void read1(int paddr, prdata);
    $display("\n response method paddr=%0d prdata=%0d",paddr,prdata);